About Lewis Financial
Lewis Financial celebrates a woman’s life by helping her to balance wealth by making informed choices through building blocks of financial independence, planning and advice.
About Mary Lewis
Mary has been in the finance sector for over 40 years, now specialising in financial advice and planning with a unique offering that balances wealth and life choices.
My purpose is connecting women to their wealth, and a balance in life, with the confidence to make informed choices. An important outcome, like a fully funded comfortable retirement and a life of meaning and purpose, can come down to confidence.
Life stage changes, various situations that arise, transitions we experience, the people we care for, all impact wealth. We can choose to build layers of confident informed choices or layers of compromise. My mission is to help women to build layers of confidence with informed wealth choices.
I have worked in and around finance for 40 years.I am a chartered accountant of many years and more recently a financial adviser. Earlier,I worked for large professional firms, both internationally and in New Zealand, as well as commercial organisations. I have worked across sectors including financial services, property, IT, aged care, property, health, manufacturing, government, and sport. I’ve served on boards and volunteered my time and expertise with several business and community organisations.
In recent years, I created The Success Formula for women, facilitated and delivered personal finance workshops for Te Ara Ahunga Ora (the Retirement Commission) and corporate training in leadership, communications and many related topics. I have coached executives and businesses in financial performance based on ownership, transparency and purpose.
Financial advisor (Investment Level 5) (FSP 756511)
Financial Advice Provider- Lewis Financial Solutions Limited (FSP1001836)
Chartered Accountant New Zealand and Australia (CAANZ)
Taxation trusts and estate planning (LLB unit)
Accredited coach and trainer:
NLP Transformations Master Practitioner
Reach Eco system coaching practitioner
Communications trainer